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The Mortgage. An introduction theme. Accounts fixed and differential payments

Excuse me for quality of machine translation.

Visiting various forums, has noticed, that many visitors are interested by accounts Monthly Fixed Payments (MFP).

The Mortgage is a choice from set of variants, offered various credit institutions.It begins with accounts of payments. The borrower, in literal sense, hunts behind the information. For day he can be visited some ideas. To not address in each occasion behind the help, losing own and another's time. And it can not a trifle, and idea worth? Therefore it is best to do these accounts by the borrower, at once as the new information has appeared. In this case more easy and faster to make and conscious choice, and counter offer to a credit institution. In general, it is better itself the borrower it nobody will make. Time - money. The real estate rises in price.

Recently has met advice: do not trust "professionals" that can make. Business not only in economies of time and money. There is spoken, that nobody is better You your work will make, because You are most interested in an eventual result. Can some times itself to recheck up. And professionals too people, can in a lot of businesses be mistaken, and create such problems, with which to you it is necessary longly to understand.

Payments are be fixed and differential. Those are in turn subdivided on relative and absolute. The relative payments are expressed in percentage of the size of the credit. Absolute - in money units (roubles, dollars...). Absolute payment is equal to product relative on the size of the credit

Examples of accounts of fixed and differential payments


Monthly Fixed Payment (MFP) - one of kinds of payments in the mortgage. A FP - uniform unchangeable payment on all term of crediting

Absolute FPs (AFP) and Relative FPs (RFP)

AFP = SC * RFP, where
SC - sum of the credit

RFP = p + p / [(1+p)n -1], where
p - the interest rate (IR) in shares for an Interest Period (InP)
n - quantity of payments - InP

Sum of a RFP = n * RFP

Examples of account of a FP

1. SC - 1 mln. rbls; a IR - 15%/years = 1,25%/month = 0,0125; term - 30 years - 360 FPs or InP

a RFP = a = p + p / [(1 + p)n - 1] = 0,0125 + 0,0125 / [(1 + 0,0125)360 - 1] = 0,012644 = 1,264%/month from a SC
AFP = SC * RFP = 1000000 * 0,012644 =12644 rbls = 12,64 TRs/month
Sum of RFP = n * RFP = 360*1,264% = 455% from a SC

2. The same credit in Constant Roubles (CR)
By a Rouble IR - 15%/years at the Disputable Inflationary Forecast - 12%/years correspond to a IR in a CR - 2,678%/year (1,15/1,12 = 1,02679; = 2,678%)
SC - 1 mln CRs; a IR in a CR - 2,678%/year = 0,223%/month = 0,00223; term - 30 years - 360 FPs or InP

RFP = a = p + p/[(1 + p)n - 1] = 0,00223 + 0,00223 / [(1 + 0,00223)360 - 1] = 0,004045 = 0,4045%/month from a SC
AFP = SC * RFP = 1000000 * 0,004045 = 4045 CRs = 4,04 TCR/month
Sum of RFP = n * RFP =360 * 0,4045% = 145,6% from a SC

A CR - index of the prices, inflationary parameter.

The rate of a CR is measured in roubles and is changed according to a rise in prices. If the prices for some period grow in 2 times, also rate of a CR will increase in 2 times. Payment in roubles at the rate CR per day payments.

The application of a CR will allow the borrowers to take in times the greater credit (In the indicated example in 3,125 times it is more), i.e. on many years to decide housing problem earlier. The borrower begins to pay, instead of another's employed rising in price housing accommodation. To pay it is necessary at a growing rate of a CR, but the game costs of candles. At advance settlement it is possible to settle up much faster than for 30 years.

The CR decides a problem of the Disputable Inflationary Forecast. The investors receive opportunity of real preservation and augmentation of a buying power the savings. The borrowers receive more accessible credits. Arrived of banks also will increase, since the trust of the investors will be increased, essentially will increase volumes and quantity of the placed contributions and given credits.

Monthly Relative Fixed (Uniform) Payments in percentage of sum of the credit depending on Currencies, interest rates and terms of crediting
CurPercentsTerms of Crediting (years / months)

CR - Constant Rouble (Reference) - Conditional Unit of account (CUA) with a constant buying power.


DP - payment decreasing to the end of term crediting. We shall consider in Regular Intervals Decreasing (RID) DP at RID duty - rest, on which are charged RID payments on interests.

1 - Credit - 100 Constant Roubles (CR) for 10 years under 10% annual.
Uniform Amortization (UA) - 10 %/year-10 CRs/year
1-st year: a DP = UA - 10 % - 10 CRs + interests - 10 CRs. Total DP for the first year - 20 CRs. A new duty (ND) - 90 CRs
2-nd DP: UA + % from a ND = 9 CRs = 19 CRs; a ND = 80
3-rd DP: - 18;

10-th DP 11 CRs. ND = 0. The credit is reset
Total: DP - 155 CRs. Sum of percents - 55 CRs = 55% from the sum of the credit

2 - monthly DP: 12000 $ for 10 years (120 months) under 12% annual or 1%/month.
Uniform Amortization (UA) - 100 $/month
1-st DP: UA - 100 $ + 1% from 12000 = 100 + 120 = 220; a new duty (ND) = 11900
2-nd DP: UA + 1% a ND (11900) =100 + 119 = 219; a ND - 11800
3-rd DP: = 218; a ND = 11700
119 DP: =102; a ND = 100
120 DP: =101; ND = 0; the credit is reset

Total: a DP - 19260. Percents - 7260 = 60,5% from the sum of the credit

Total: Percents = p*(n+1)/2, where
- p - % for a period
- n - quantity Periods - payments

Or same transformed formula:
Total: Percents = p*(n+1)/24
, where
- p - Interest rate for one year
- n - quantity months or payments - periods

At each kind of payments: a FP both DP the advantages and defects. But it already separate theme

  1. English pages. Main (7 kb)

  2. Russian pages.Main (8 kb)

  3. The brief contents of the placed themes (9 kb)


  4. Constant Rouble - against dollar. A rate of a CR - Index of the Prices. The CR will ensure real preservation and the augmentation of a buying power of the savings, will make the credits by more accessible (15 kb)

  5. In what the reason and paradox of the Unreal Interest rates? The disputable inflationary forecast (10 kb)

  6. Comparison acting and offered of tax systems. As To double a gross national income, having got rid from the Parasitic Inflationary Taxes. Tax reform (18 kb)

    Important theme. Without tax reform will not be essential growth economy and standard of living, neither new housing accommodation, nor decision of housing problem.

    The Parasitic Inflationary Taxes (PIT) "eat" enclosed in production the capitals: constant and turnaround, salary and pension. This theme is more important than the mortgage, since from anything is received anything.

    An Example of a PIT for a Working capital (WC)
    - Inf - 0 %:
    the Prices, the Cost Price (CP) and rate of a CR do not vary. The businessman Somebody on 100 Millions Roubles (mr) has acquired components. They were not necessary, and in one year he has reseiled them till a CP for the same 100 mrs. Profit or Added Cost (AC) - 0. The taxes - 0. Losses - PIT - 0. Is possible at necessities to acquire new components.
    - Inf - 100 %:The Prices, CP and rate of a CR for one year are doubled. In the beginning of year 100 mCRs = 100 mrs. In one year 100 mCRs = 200 mrs. Somebody reseils furnishing on a new CP, since the prices were doubled, for 200 mrs, receives imaginary inflationary profit (or imaginary inflationary AC) - 100 mrs, pay the taxes (from the imaginary profit?!) - 50 % - 50 mrs. He still has 150 mrs or 75 mCRs, on which it is possible to acquire only 75% of components. Real losses - 25% real buying power of a WC. It also is a PIT for a WC.
    The indicated example of a PIT is equal half of ifference between a new real CP and old, indicated in tax declarations. I.e. at a zero Inf of a PIT is not present in general, since. The CP does not vary. With growth of a Inf the burden of a PIT grows also.

    The Losses from a PIT somebody will transfer on the salary of the hired workers. If he will cover the business, the workers and their families, in general, will stay without a piece of bread.

    From the indicated examples it is visible, that at a zero Inf of a PIT is not present in general. With growth of a Inf the burden of a PIT grows also.

    Tax reform
    The essence of tax reform - legislative fixing in the tax declaration of the Cost Price in a CR, that will allow to get rid of a PIT and to make production favourable and fast growing. It:
    - New jobs and decrease(reduction) of unemployment
    - Essential growth of real wages and pensions
    - Additional tax receipts at fast growing economy
    - Decrease (reduction) of expenditures on public account on the unemployment benefits
    - Etc.


  7. Constant Rouble will make (without the subsidies) the mortgage by more accessible (14 kb)

  8. Three formulas of account of fixed payments. What correct? (10 kb)

  9. Conclusion of the formula of account of fixed payment (12 kb)

  10. Optimum real estates: the size, term, interest, currency. (19 kb)

    The mortgage begins with comparison of variants. Here 4 comparative tables with percentage by the rates - 0; 1;... 18; 19%/years and with terms of crediting - 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 27 and 30 years:
    1 - Monthly Fixed Payments (MFP)
    2 - Factors of Credit Status (FCS). With the help of a FCS it is possible to expect as the much as possible allowable sums real estates
    3 - Sum of a MFP for all term of crediting
    4 - Sum of percents (interests) for all term of crediting

  11. On the present the mortgage will begin to work only then, when the overabundance will appear Again entered housing accommodation. Or. Hyperinflation, default and corruption - backs of the subsidiary mortgage (15 kb)

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